Professor Judith Walker - Board Chairperson

PhD, Grad Dip Ed, BA Hons, FACE & AFACHSE
Board Chairperson since October 2019; Director since July 2012; Chair of the Board Governance Committee.
Judi has had a long, satisfying and amazing career in higher education leadership, academic and public sector governance, and strategic policy development across Victoria and Tasmania. Currently, she holds a part-time position as Professor Rural Health in the School of Medicine, University of Tasmania where she works with final year medical students building their research capacity and providing support to the Head of School. She recently completed compilation of the University’s Medical Program accreditation extension submission. She holds honorary professorial positions at Monash and Federation universities. As Principal Co-Investigator of the Hazelwood Long Term Health Study, Judi investigated the health impact of the 2014 Hazelwood open cut brown coal mine fire in the Latrobe Valley, Victoria. The team developed a unique multi-disciplinary, inter-institutional research program based on strong engagement with the local community. Judi led the Older Persons Research Stream and was responsible for the study’s community engagement and governance activities. Judi is Board Chair of Latrobe Community Health Service, inaugural Board Chair of Health Consumers Tasmania, Board Director of the Postgraduate Medical Council of Tasmania, and Chair of the Friends Advisory Committee, National Rural Health Alliance.
Bernadette Uzelac - Board Deputy Chairperson

GAICD, FIML, B.Com, Grad Dip Organisation Change and Development
Director since 2019; Member of the Board Governance Committee; Member of the Board Community Investment Committee.
Bernadette has previously served on the LCHS Quality & Safety Committee and as Chair of the Nominations Committee. Her executive career includes nine years as Chief Executive of the Geelong Chamber of Commerce and nearly five years as Managing Director of a disability employment not-for-profit organisation. For over 20 years she was CEO of a successful recruitment and human resources company, growing it from a regional start-up business and expanding the consultancy internationally to Hong Kong and Singapore. Bernadette has a strong commercial and entrepreneurial background with skills in business development and marketing, strategic planning, human resources, change management, government relations, regional development, stakeholder engagement and media. She currently holds several Victorian Government Ministerial board appointments including Kardinia Park Stadium Trust, Kardinia Park Advisory Committee Chair and Geelong Cemeteries Trust, where she is also Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee. She is also a member of the Telstra Victorian Regional Advisory Council and a judge for the Telstra Best of Business Awards. Bernadette previously served as Chair of the Victorian Small Business Ministerial Council, Chair of the Geelong Tech School Committee, Board Member of G21 Geelong Region Alliance, and Deputy Chair of the Committee for Geelong.
Stelvio Vido

Deputy Chairperson; Director since 2018; Chair of the Board Quality and Safety Committee; Chair of the Board Nominations Committee; Member of the Board Governance Committee.
Stelvio is an experienced Board Director with more than 20 years’ Board experience across a range of sectors including health and human services, group training and employment services, community legal aid and TAFE. He also has extensive executive experience having worked in senior roles in community organisations, management consulting, local government and commercial media. His most recent executive role was CEO of Spectrum Migrant Resource Centre. Since then he has focused on governance roles in ‘for purpose’ organisations. Stelvio is currently a Director of Sexual Health Victoria, Windana Drug and Alcohol Recovery Ltd. and Sunraysia TAFE.
Mark Biggs

BA (SocSci), Grad Dip Counselling Psychology
Director since February 2014; Member of the Board Audit & Risk Committee, Member of the Board Nominations Committee; Member of the Board Quality & Safety Committee.
Mark is an accomplished professional with a diverse background in the primary health and community services sector Throughout his career, he held various management roles in critical areas, including child protection, youth services, disability services, occupational rehabilitation and project management. He has expertise in strategic planning, policy, risk and business management and is skilled in governance, quality assurance and compliance. Mark has demonstrated his commitment to the community through his previous board positions. He served as the Chair of Lyrebird Village for the Aged, Deputy Chair, and Audit Chair at the Latrobe Regional Hospital. Moreover, Mark was a Board Director at the Gippsland Primary Health Network (GPHN) and Gippsland Medica Local.
Mark served as LCHS Board Chairperson from 2016-2019.
Nathan Voll

B Commerce, Grad Cert Bus Mgt, FCPA MBA, FAICD
Director since March 2016; Chair of the Board Community Investment Committee; Member of the Nominations Committee.
Nathan has over 25 years of experience in the private and public sector in management, consulting and finance/accounting. He is currently the Regional Finance Manager for South Eastern Victoria with the Department of Education and Training. He previously worked as the General Manager Corporate Services at the Department of Justice and Regulation. Nathan has experience in the healthcare sector serving on the Board of Latrobe Health Insurance since 2011 and as a Board Director of West Gippsland Healthcare Group (WGHG) for six years. He is also a member of the Latrobe Health Risk and Investment Committee’s and the Chair of the Audit Committee. Nathan is a Director and Deputy Chair of the Gippsland Primary Health Network, the Chair of their Audit Risk and Finance Committee, a former Director and member of the WGHG Audit Committee and Clinical Governance Committee and was previously on the Faculty of Education Board at Monash University. Nathan is a Fellow of CPA Australia (Certified Practicing Accountant) and a Fellow of the AICD.
Murray Bruce

LLB, BA (Political Science), GAICD
Director since 2018; Member of the Board Audit & Risk Committee, Member of the Board Community Investment Committee, Member of the Board Quality & Safety Committee.
Murray is an experienced Director, commercial lawyer and government executive. He has extensive Board and governance experience with expertise in areas of strategic planning, risk management, commissioning, change management and policy development. Murray has held senior roles at the Department of Health and Human Services, including as the Director of the Victorian Bushfire & Flood Appeal Funds from 2010 to 2014. Prior to this Murray was a Senior Solicitor in the Victorian Government Solicitor’s Office and also developed policy, legislation and Ministerial Orders at Consumer Affairs Victoria. He started his career working in private practice as a Barrister and Solicitor for Martin, Irwin & Richards Lawyers in Mildura from 2004-2007. Recently, he was Director of the Commercial & Property Law Division at the Department of Education & Early Childhood Development, and he has served on the Board of the Gippsland Primary Health Network for the past seven years.
Placido Cali

B. Bus (Accounting), Grad.Dip Business Administration, MAICD, Chartered Accountant ICAA
Director since 2017; Chair of the Board Audit and Risk Committee; Member of the Board Governance Committee.
Placido has extensive experience in areas of finance, strategic development and corporate growth. He has held senior roles in pharmaceutical, primary health, and technology organisations. Placido has helped companies grow from local organisations to nationally recognised brands.
Joanne Booth

Grad Cert Internal Audit, GAICD, Cert Governing Non-Profit Excellence, Master Public Health, Grad Dip Occupational Health, Bachelor Arts, Advanced Cert Nursing, Cert General Nursing
Director since 2017; Member of the Board Audit & Risk Committee.
Joanne is committed to improving health and social outcomes for disadvantaged people and communities. Joanne has a background in public health and policy and has worked extensively in the health, public and not-for-profit sectors, and operates a governance and risk management consultancy. Joanne has held multiple Board and committee appointments in the Victorian heath and water sectors. Her current appointments include Independent Chair of the Nominations Committee Western Victoria Primary Health Network.
Non-Director Members of Board Committees
Leanne Mulcahy (Board Nominations Committee)
GAICD, LLMEntGov, MBA, NMAS Accredited Mediator
Leanne is a Non-Executive Director and corporate governance expert with strengths in risk management, strategic planning, dispute resolution and stakeholder engagement. She has an accomplished career as a senior executive across local government and not-for-profit organisations. Leanne has more than 15 years Non-Executive Director experience across health, employment, statutory authority and not-for-profit organisations. Currently, Leanne serves as a non-executive director with North East Water, Co-Chairs the Victorian Women in Water Directors’ Network and Chairs the Victorian Local Governance Association’s Governance & Risk Committee. She recently established Mediation Resolutions delivering dispute resolution and corporate governance services. Leanne is a recipient of the Victorian Women’s Network Scholarship and is a Fellow of both the Goulburn Murray Fairley Leadership Program and the LGPro Executive Leadership Program.
Tanya James (Board Audit & Risk Committee)
GAICD, US CPA, Bachelor of Arts (Political Science), Master of Science in Accountancy
Tanya is an experienced management consultant and corporate finance executive working previously for global firms such as Deloitte and Carlson Companies and their subsidiaries. She was an external auditor for Deloitte & Touche in the US and Russia and is currently working with the Department of Education and Training Victoria. Tanya held a non-Executive Director position on the Women’s Cancer Resource Centre’s Board in the USA, and was a Director and chaired the International Service Committee for the Rotary Club of Orono (USA). Tanya previously chaired the Finance Committee for Brighton Secondary College and has served as a College Councillor and Treasurer. She is a GAICD.
Rob Setina (Board Audit & Risk Committee)
GAICD, MBA, Grad. Dip Applied Finance, B.Comm LLB
Rob is a senior leader with over 20 years’ of experience within both the private and public sector, and across Business Transformations and Information Technology including consulting. Rob is a skilled innovator and uses technology, workforce mix, practical thinking and empowerment as enablers to drive business transformation.
Melissa McConnell (Board Quality & Safety Committee)
Melissa, a Graduate and Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (GAICD), is the current Director of MelSafe Audit & Compliance Services, as well as a Non-Executive Director with Cricket Victoria. Melissa brings experience in risk and compliance frameworks, specialising in policy and management system development to address stakeholder needs and legislative obligations. Her strengths lie in quality, safety, environmental, social accountability, modern slavery and information security systems, providing organisations with systems and strategies to meet their compliance arrangements.
Petra Bovery-Spencer (Board Quality & Safety Committee)
B.A Science (Physiotherapy), Grad Cert Management
Petra is a qualified physiotherapist with management experience in the health industry across a number of sectors, private and public. She is a former Senior Program Advisor at the Department of Health and Human Services and a former Manager and Acting Executive Director of LCHS in the Primary Health directorate (10 years) including experience on the Clinical Governance Committee. Petra has been actively involved in many committees focused on improving the services and outcomes for those living and working in rural communities and is committed to ensuring people in rural and remote communities have equitable access to health services and improved health outcomes. She has a particular interest in the innovative development of workforce and service models that deliver evidence based services.
Janet Nelson
Ph.D. Chemistry, B.A. Chemistry, Member of the Board Nominations Committee 2022
Janet is a demonstrated senior executive leader with global career experiences and networks that extend across academia, government, not-for-profit organizations, and industrial communities. In Janet’s 35 year career, she has gained experience in scientific research and teaching, scientific review and research portfolio administration, complex and multi-disciplinary program/project management, business development, and science policy implementation. She has served on numerous boards in Australia and the United States, and has a strong understanding of the importance of having the right mix of technical and other specific skills (including a good cross- section and generality of skills) on boards. Janet is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and has completed the Company Director’s Course.