Pathways to Good Health
The Pathways to Good Health program provides comprehensive health assessments and health management plans for children in out of home care. The program provides a multi-disciplinary clinic at Latrobe Community Health Service in Morwell. The clinic is available weekly on Tuesday afternoon. The team includes a paediatrician, psychologist, speech pathologist and an outreach nurse coordinator.
Pathways to Good Health also provides support to children living in residential units in the Latrobe Valley.
Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies

Our outreach nurse works with individuals and families to make sure they have the supports and practical resources they need during pregnancy and the first eight weeks of their baby’s life. To help achieve the best outcomes for participating families the program offers:
- home visits
- centre based visits
- joint visits with other services
- transport to essential ante-natal visits and pregnancy related appointments.
This program is available to women and families in the Latrobe Valley who are not accessing maternity services, or who require additional support due to:
- mental health
- domestic violence, family violence or alcohol and other drugs
- low socioeconomic status
- culturally and linguistically diverse background
- Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent, or
- residential distance to services.
Community health outreach nursing
The community health outreach nurse delivers health education to vulnerable or disadvantaged children and families in the Latrobe Valley. The program aims to provide information and education on:
- healthy lifestyle choices
- sexual and reproductive health
- healthy food and drink choices
- personal development education for primary schools
- hygiene
- cardiovascular disease, diabetes and stroke prevention.
This program is available to all community groups and workplaces. Additional charges will apply to program sessions held outside of the Latrobe Valley.