Systems thinking
We use a systems-thinking framework, tools, and practice to achieve a healthier community.
Context, complexity, and leverage points are understood through:
- Systems mapping
- Intelligence gathering
Community is engaged and mobilised
Community demands change
Communication and marketing activates readiness and leadership for change
Places, influencers and partners understand the importance of their contribution to prevention:
- Readiness and leadership for change
- Problem recognition or reframing
- Vision setting
- Assessments and ratings
- Benchmarking
Places, influencers and partners formally commit to prevention through:
- Policy, strategy, standards, shared vision or actions
- Prevention embedded in strategic and operational plans
- Alignment or influencing policies and procedures
- Action plans and quality improvement plans
Coordinated and shared prevention language
Places, influencers and partners participate in prevention through:
- New initiatives
- Capacity building
- Rewards, resources and incentives
- Accessing services
Existing components are modified, improved and leveraged
Resources, marketing and communications collateral developed
Media coverage
Components aligned to match community need and demand
Initiatives are mutually reinforcing
Collaborative relationships and networks are strengthened to leverage change through:
- Participation in shared decision making (collaboration)
- Development of shared competencies and skills
- Sharing of data and systems
- Participation in networks and events
- Connecting partners and places
- Partners are connected outside of the health sector
Communities of practice established or continued
Place, influencers and partners lead local prevention action
Allocation of new or redistribution of assets and funding to meet prevention needs, including:
- Allocation of internal and external staffing
- Key performance indicators developed
- Investment in resources and incentives
- Links created to external funding
A skilled workforce built through professional development
Policy, components and action embedded in places
Healthy options are available and environments are health promoting:
- Place changes
- Healthy and unhealthy options
A comprehensive system is available to as many people as possible, through:
- System spread
- System depth
- System sustainability
- Shifts in system ownership
- Outcomes precede impacts

Health priority areas
- Healthy eating
- Active living
- Whole-of-settings approaches
We also look at how climate change, gender, and health equity impact our health and the ways we can address these issues.

Contact us
We provide support to organisations working to improve health and wellbeing. Please contact the team to find out more,
Phone: 1800 242 696