Healthy food for thought, and sale

Helping make the healthy option, the easy option.
Our Health Promotion team works directly with food outlets, caterers and suppliers so the healthy option is the easy option for customers and community.
We can help your organisation provide and promote healthier foods and drinks.
Our Health Promotion team supports early childhood services, schools, workplaces, sporting clubs and other organisations to provide healthier foods and drinks.
Programs include:
We can help you
- Complete a menu assessment
- Understand relevant healthy eating policies and guidelines
- Provide staff training
- Find healthier recipes and products
- Provide resources including promotional materials
- Develop organisational policies, tenders and contracts
Find out more
Contact the Health Promotion team:
Phone 1800 242 696
You can also visit for more information.
The Healthy Eating Advisory Service is delivered by experienced nutritionists and dietitians at Nutrition Australia Vic Division, with support from the Victorian Government.

Hear from others
Sugary drinks – Not the stuff of champions
Healthy Choices at Latrobe Leisure
Latrobe Regional Hospital – Working to make healthy eating the norm for staff, visitors and the Latrobe community
LRH Case study – See page 38 Health Promotion report 2017-21