Learn how to live with diabetes
Diabetes education
Our diabetes educators aim to connect, support, and empower people living with diabetes in the Latrobe Valley community.
People with:
- Type 1 diabetes
- Type 2 diabetes
- Pre-diabetes
The diabetes team works with other experts to provide excellent diabetes care. Our specialists include:
- dietitians
- podiatrists
- care coordinators
- GPs
- diabetes specialists
- One-on-one education
- Diabetes clinics with members of the diabetes team. This may include:
- a dietitian
- a podiatrist
- a care coordinator
- Group education programs
- Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes support groups
- Education for community groups within the Latrobe Valley
- When you receive a new diabetes diagnosis.
- If you have diabetes and have not seen a diabetes educator for more than a year.
- If you need further information about managing diabetes. This may be for you or for a loved one.
- If you have had any changes in your diabetes management, or unexpected problems.
- In-person
- Telephone
- Videoconference
- A list of your diabetes medications, including the dose
- Your blood glucose meter
- Your blood glucose level diary
- Any letters from your doctor
- Reading glasses
- Hearing aids

Diabetes support groups
There are informal support groups for people with both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.
We also run education sessions for people with Type 1 diabetes who are on insulin injections. This is a Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute program called Flex IT.
For more information about our support groups or education sessions, please phone our friendly team. Phone 1800 242 696 and ask to speak with a diabetes educator.
Latrobe Community Health Service is committed to ensuring access to services for everyone in the community.
To attend the diabetes prevention program, you must be at high risk of diabetes and aged 45 years and above, unless you are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander.
You will need a referral, although self-referrals are also accepted. Call us on 1800 242 696 to find out about the types of tests you will be advised to take before participating in this program.
Public diabetes education services are available to people who work, live or study in Latrobe City. We prioritise our services for people on low-medium incomes and holders of concession cards.
Private diabetes education services are available for people with allied health MBS referrals, eligible DVA referrals and those with private health insurance.
Claims under TAC and WorkCover are not eligible.
The support groups are open to people with diabetes who live in Latrobe City Council.
Call 1800 242 696 to discuss your individual situation. We can discuss costs with you before any treatment begins.
The diabetes prevention program is free for most people, although there may be a fee for high income earners.
Public clients
Concession card holders
- $19.45 per consult
Non-concession card holders
- $31.90 per consult
Private clients
- $96.83 per consult
Attendance at the diabetes support groups is by gold coin donation.