Common causes of lymphoedema

Lymphoedema is the swelling of body parts, especially the arms and legs. It is usually caused by problems with the vessels in the body that drain fluid from tissues as a result of radiotherapy, cancer treatment, surgery or other medical conditions.
Seeing a lymphoedema practitioner early can:
- prevent complications
- help you to look after your skin
- give you advice on exercises you can do
- reduce the risk of infection
Find out the cost and eligibility criteria.
Who is eligible?
Lymphoedema services are available to people who work, live or study in Latrobe City. We prioritise our services for people on low-medium incomes and holders of a concession card.
Lymphoedema services are available for people with eligible DVA referrals. All DVA referrals are home visits only.
How much does this service cost?
Concession card holders
- $19.45 per consult
Non-concession card holders
- $31.90 per consult
Phone Latrobe Community Health Service on 1800 242 696 to discuss your individual situation.