How physiotherapy can help you

Physiotherapy can help:
- restore proper function to your body
- reduce the risk of injuries or recurring injuries
- reduce the impact of a permanent disease or an injury.
You can see the physiotherapist in an individual consultation session. We also offer group exercise sessions.
If you are unable to attend your appointments at our sites, you may be able to receive a home visit.
Find out the cost and eligibility criteria.
Physiotherapy services are available to people who are eligible for home and community care living in the Latrobe City local government area.
We also offer private physiotherapy from our Warragul clinic.
In some cases, you may need a referral. Other eligibility criteria may apply, so phone Latrobe Community Health Service on 1800 242 696 to discuss your individual situation.
The cost for this service varies. There is only a small fee if you have a Health Care Card or Concession Card. A higher rate applies if you don’t have one of these cards.
We accept DVA referrals.
If you have private health insurance, some of these services may be claimable.
Latrobe Community Health Service is committed to ensuring access to services for everyone in the community.
Call 1800 242 696 to discuss your individual situation. We can discuss costs with you before any treatment begins.