Apply for a placement
Are you considering a future in the health sector, in either a clinical or administrative role? Are you currently in secondary school, TAFE or university? If so, consider a placement with Latrobe Community Health Service.

Integrate theory and practice
Undertaking a student placement with Latrobe Community Health Service will not only give you work experience, but will integrate theory and practice learnt in the classroom into an authentic work environment. Latrobe Community Health Service recognises the need for students to gain work experience related to their chosen profession. We have demonstrated a commitment to supporting student placements across a variety of programs within the organisation.
Be part of a dynamic team
Latrobe Community Health Service has a long and successful history of providing high-quality community based services to improve and support the health and wellbeing state wide. By undertaking a student placement, you can be part of this exciting and dynamic team. We have sites across Victoria. Please note that the majority of our placements are in regional areas. Most are two or more hours from Melbourne.
Apply now
To establish your particular requirements and where you will gain the most from your experience within your student placement, please complete the form below. Students may be requested to provide academic records, resume and written learning objectives for their placement application to be considered, depending on their area of study and program of interest.
Student placement form
A current relationship agreement must be in place between your education provider and LCHS.
For students to be able to commence their placement in our organisation, a current relationship agreement must be in place between their education provider and Latrobe Community Health Service in Placeright or equivalent. This will guarantee that students are covered under our insurance, and policies and requirements are met by both parties.
Education providers must be approved by law
The institution delivering the course which provides for the placement must be authorised under an Australian, state or territory law or an administrative arrangement of the Commonwealth or a state or territory to do so. Courses offered at universities, TAFE colleges and schools (whether public or private) will all satisfy this requirement, as will bodies authorised to offer training courses under state or territory legislation.

Scholarship and Cadetship Program
We now offer a number of scholarship and cadetship opportunities for university and TAFE students. These aim to support young people looking to pursue a career in community health.